The Heart Rock Blog

Butterfly Trash choices compassion healing mindfulness strength wonder Jul 24, 2022

 Many, many years ago, when simpler things frustrated me more, an unexpected bill, the mess...

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Darling, I Am In No Hurry choices compassion healing mindfulness Jul 17, 2022

Yesterday I spent the day celebrating my daughter's 25th birthday.  We went to a favorite...

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Uncomfortable Truths choices compassion Jul 10, 2022

Someone asked me how to talk about uncomfortable truths.  I found this fascinating.

I hope...

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Negative Emotions choices compassion healing Jul 03, 2022

 Let’s start with a radical change!  The world tells you there are positive and...

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Are You Gentle With the Heart? choices compassion healing life transitions Jun 26, 2022

This is a really important time.  Our world is becoming more and more divided.  Choices...

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The 5 Love Languages choices compassion healing Jun 19, 2022

 Gary Chapman’s, The 5 Love Languages is one of the easiest and most simplified ways...

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Superhero Cape Needed! choices healing strength Jun 12, 2022

Empowerment or Victimization?

Our world is choosing poorly.  Our world is choosing to give...

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Having Kind-Sight choices compassion healing Jun 05, 2022

We often say that we would do things differently once we've been blessed with hindsight....

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Mother Mary Comes to Me compassion healing May 29, 2022

This might sound crazy or blessed, but she does.  I lost my Mom at 16.  My greatest...

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The Message in the Body healing mindfulness May 15, 2022

That's right...the MESSAGE in the BODY 

Did you know that your body wants to be healthy,...

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Don't Forget the Fairies! wonder May 01, 2022

I just had an incredibly amazing moment!  I was interviewed on a podcast about my Mom...

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Help Me Accept choices compassion Apr 24, 2022

It's one of the most common requests I get with individual clients.

Help me accept what I...

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