Burnout, Overwhelm, and Exhaustion
Most of the calls and messages I receive say….
I’m tired.
I’m overwhelmed.
All I want to do is run away.
I get it.
Managing and balancing life is a lot. Life used to be simpler. Didn’t it? Pre Covid, pre-tech, pre media, pre recession. What I am finding is people are working longer hours, longer commutes, or needing to create side hustles which is eating up our free time. You’re not getting out like you used to, and your habits are falling through the cracks.
Mel Robbins said, “Scientists have called what you’re experiencing "languishing," and they’ve also said that these past years of stress, loss, change, and uncertainty have thrown your nervous system into a state of fight, flight, or freeze.”
What this means is we are largely living in survival mode right now. When our focus is survival, there is no space for dreaming or goal setting.
So what can you do?
First, know this is happening for most of us. For me it’s been not getting all the exercise my body needs and too much sugar. The quick fix. And guess what? My body is softer and less energized. As we all know, temporary pleasure leaves us with more residue.
How about you? Where are you slipping with yourself?
Second, let’s help you respond to this a little differently.
Here’s an important fact.
You are reading this email SO you ARE wanting change and finding a few minutes to do so right now. Awesome. That is all you need.
Take a deep breath. You have what you need to find a little more peace, more space, more calm, more clarity.
So let’s do this. Give yourself 20 minutes each day. 29 minutes. Did you know there are
1440 minutes in a day.
20 minutes is .01388889% of a day.
Give yourself 20 minutes.
In this time focus on your breath.
- Give yourself 5 Deep full relaxing breaths.
- Meditate or pray for 5-10 minutes.
- Walk outside or look at glorious photos to feel and connect with the beauty of the earth around you.
- Write down 5 things you are grateful for in this moment.
- And write down your hope or intention for the day. If it’s at the end of the day, write your intention for tomorrow.
You will feel a difference. You will realize you do have choices, options, possibilities. You will feel a little bit replenished and lighter.
We are often exhausted because we are forgetting our call or purpose and our thankfulness. We are often depleted because we cut ourselves off from the simple beauty in nature and the mere gift of life itself.
Breathe. Please let me know how this blessed you!
Dr Heather