Let me help wipe away your tears!
Grief is a natural occurrence in life. But we don’t openly talk about it. So when it happens, we don’t know what to do with it. And as it wells up, like the tears in our eyes, we push it down, drink it away with beer, overwork, or suffer all alone.
I want to give you something else. I want give you something helpful so you have it for yourself and to share with others when someone you know is grieving. We will all go through this dozens of times in our life, or probably hundreds. Listening to yourself to find what it is that you need is really important. Grief looks different for each person and for each relationship. Empowering others to know this to to find how they are to grieve is important too!
Let me help you wipe your tears away. We are here to help one another and grief is one of the most crucial times to help care for others. I wanted to do something important to help you and those you love in those journeys of grief.
I created a gift to help walk you through as you grieve. Please feel free to share!
I send it with all my love!
And if you would feel more cared for with a private session, let me know.