What Is Your Super Power?
What is your super power? Truly! Do you know yours? Do you utilize it in all the ways you can?
Here are seven of them. Hopefully you see yourself having several of these traits. Where are you the strongest?
Where do you want to grow? Let’s fan out your cape!
1. Resilience: This is such a powerful superpower! Are you able to bounce back from setbacks that you have and keep going, no matter how tough life gets? Do you use challenges as a way to keep going and finding another way?
2. Perseverance: People will this superpower are focused, determined and persistent in the pursuit of their goals, dreams, ambitions and they refuse to give up even when faced with obstacles. This is the completer!
3. Optimism: These precious souls find a way to look for what IS working, what they ARE learning. They possess a positive mindset, believing that they are creating their life.
4. Adaptability: These are the game-changers, flexible and open-minded, willing to adjust their strategies and approaches when necessary and come up with new and often better strategies and solutions.
5. Confident: These folks believe in themself, their project, message, and abilities. They see themselves succeeding.
6. Passion: They’re driven by a deep sense of purpose and enthusiasm for what they are committed to, where they’re going and who they’re becoming. They value themselves.
7. Growth mindset: These glorious souls see failure as an opportunity to learn and grow, rather than a reason to give up. They see challenges as stepping stones to success. They are continually looking for how to improve and grow.
Which ones do you have?
Which ones do you see in your friends, family, and work?
Which new cape are you willing to put on? You are a superhero!