Tired of Being the Bigger One

#anger anxiety communication relationship Mar 13, 2025

I Am Not Fighting But I Am Tired of Being The Bigger One!

I hear this a lot...people saying they are tired of doing what's right or they are tired of doing the big thing. And I am sure that I have said this myself too. But I just realized something, something big.

Get ready, here comes some powerful truth from the Reframe Queen.

Are you truly tired of being the bigger person?

I don't think so. I think you are tired of somebody screwing up your plans! I think you are tired of the mess that's left for you to clean up! I don't think you are tired of being honorable or honest. I think you are tired that the other person doesn't care when you do.

Let's take this thought in a bit.

What is being the bigger person showing about you?

You're wiser. You're smarter. You're kinder. You're more loving. You're more controlled and disciplined. You're more thoughtful. You're more reasonable. You're more rational. You're better at recognizing your emotions. You're better at taking care of other people. You're better at not creating drama. You're better at not creating hurt. You are better at loving yourself. You're better at creating the possibility for a different reality. You're better at creating the possibility of a different relationship. You're better at loving. Whoa…you’re better at loving.

So wait, what are you tired of? I would say that's a whole bunch of stuff to be proud of. I would say that's a whole bunch of wonderful attributes and characteristics.

Will you allow yourself to be grateful?

These honorable traits are all yours. You're bigger in so many ways. You're bigger in sooooo many ways. Don't be tired of that. Be proud of that. That is your crown, wear it proudly, says the reframe Queen!

So what can you do when you are feeling tired and trying to keep your spirits up?

  1. Give thanks and appreciation for all that you have. This is the quickest way to shift energy and restore.
  2. Get into nature and walk with bare feet on the earth, whether it’s grass, dirt, or sand. Let yourself feel the energy of the earth through your toes.
  3. Do something special for you…a treat of some sort to remind yourself to take extra good care of you. Maybe a pedicure, or a new CD, or go dancing.
  4. HUG! HUG! HUG! We can easily forget how good it feels when we are supported or cheered on. Let yourself receive.

Celebrate the power and wonder of you!