Have you read about Imposter Syndrome?
Have you and our friends been talking about Imposter Syndrome?
Do you sometimes feel like an Imposter? And have you thought about what this even means? It's a feeling that you are not being yourself or a feeling of not feeling like yourself. But how can you feel anything other than what you are or what you feel?
Even so, people are talking about this, all over the place, especially in the arena of creators and entrepreneurs. It is spoken about when you are stepping into something new, a new opportunity, or a new role where you will be doing something you haven't done before or when you will be working with someone new or engaging with them in a different way. This newness creates a felling of "other". And when we experience this new "other" sense, we tell ourselves that we are a fake, a fraud, or a phony. We call this suffering from Imposter Syndrome.
And in doing so, we are creating a very bizarre split. We are creating a divide within ourselves with our feelings and our thoughts. And what does this do?
It creates more Division.
More Fear.
More Doubt.
More of an "I am not in control" feeling. Why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we refuse to let ourselves have a space where we feel some doubt and struggle? It is there because you are in that space of stretching, attempting, learning, and growing. Why do we make that a negative experience? What if we gave ourselves a moment to let all of this very new experience sink in? What if we asked:
What do I feel?
What do I know?
What am I telling myself?
Who am I listening to?
If we incorporate the fear the insecurity, and the uncertainty, we will learn a ton about how to help ourself, support ourself, and probably also where we might need more training or knowledge. That is good to know.
If we continue to view Imposter Syndrome as a negative, detrimental experience, it can sabotage our willingness, our creativity, and possibly our ability to even try. Why let anything keep you from trying to grow and become more of who you want to be or what you want to do?
I was recently published in Brainz Magazine. I am really pleased with this article. I'd love to hear your thoughts on ripping the glasses off of imposter syndrome and instead, embracing all of who we are.
All my love!