THE MEMORY GAME (Plan about 45 minutes)
Get 10 post its or scraps of paper, 2 pens, and 2 bowls.
This is a really fun exercise and a great way to connect and enjoy one another.
- Read through the list of words written below and recall a positive experience or time when your partner embodied this exact quality profoundly. It’s a great way to honor your partner.
- Choose 5 different qualities and memories.
- Write the word down on the scrap of paper and then place it in your partner’s bowl.
- Once you each have 5 memories of the other, take turns sharing your memory and why this quality is important to you.
accountable adventurous amicable artsy athletic beautiful bossy brave brilliant brotherly calm captivating caring catty charming cheerful courageous daring darling daunting dreamy driven effortless energetic empathic enticing excellent fabulous fascinating fearless fiery flirty generous genuine gigantic goofy Godly glorious gracious grateful happy hilarious hopeful hot icy ideal igniting imaginative intentional jazzy jovial joyful jubilant juicy jumpy keen kind lazy levelheaded lighthearted loving lovely luxurious macho magical magnanimous meaty mild mighty naive naughty nice noisy needy open opulent orderly peaceful popular pretty proud prideful queer queen quick quirky rad rare real reasonable right sad salty saucy siren sizzly slick soft sound sweet tangy tart tantalizing tempting tingly tiny unique vast vibrant vital vivacious watchful weird wild wonderful yappy youthful zany zippy
Or if there is a word that absolutely encapsulates their essence that I have missed, write your own. Enjoy!