How are you holding up? Are you reeling with the turbulent energies of 2024?
Take a breath. We are about to wrap up this year with all the bows, tinsel, and celebrations.
It has been a really challenging year for so many of us. And with the Holidays here, it is important you give yourself a little space to ground, to refresh, to come into that peaceful place where your heart, mind, and soul embrace. Most of us don't do this. Especially as life gets busier. So....I am going to share some quick and powerful ways to help yourself calm that I use with my clients.
Relax and Enjoy!
DEEP BREATHING (Releasing tension)
Close your eyes. Breathe deeply in through the nose, out through the mouth 3 times, ahhhhh, each time going deeper and slower.
Do you feel it? It's one of the quickest ways to lessen stress and tension.
CENTERING (inner connection)
Place one hand on your heart and on on your tummy. Focus on feeling your body under your fingers and do three cycles of Deep Breathing.
What are you know aware of?
BODY SCAN (To free tension and gripping)
Sit in a chair, feet planted firmly. Adjust your body when it desires to shift.
Start with your feet. Grip your toes as tightly as you can to a slow count of 3.
And release to 3. Stay at this slow deep pace throughout. The tendency is to rush through it. Give yourself the 3 long seconds, it is the key to freeing.
Move up to your calves. Grip to 3. Release to 3.
Into your thighs. Grip to 3. Release to 3.
Your buttocks, tighten as much as you can to 3. Release to 3.
Into your abdomen to 3. Release to 3.
Your ribcage, (which is tough to do). Breathe in to 3. Release to 3.
Repeat with your chest. Grip for 3, release to 3.
Your shoulders and upper arms. Grip to 3, release to 3.
Lower arms and hands. Make a tight fist. Grip to 3. Release to 3.
Your face. Squeezing like you've eaten a lemon. Grip to 3, release to 3.
Now breathe. How does your body feel now?
BOX BREATH (To calm, lessen anxiety, and cultivate mindfulness)
Visualize a box before you. You will start at the bottom left corner. If it helps, draw the square before you in the sky.
Breathe in through your nose to a slow count of four. As you do allow you lungs to be as full as they can. Draw in a little bit more.
Hold all the air and fullness for a count of four. Feel yourself completely filled up with air.
Now slowly release all the air to a count of four. Check to see if you can release a little bit more.
Stay in empty for a count of four. Feel that space of needing nothing.
Check in and see how you feel. Notice any changes?
Repeat two to three more times. What has shifted in your body?
LEFT NOSTRIL BREATHING (To centralize, recalibrate, and calm)
Left nostril breathing lessens the fight and flight response and stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system to recalibrate and calm.
Place your right index finger on your right nostril to stop air flow.
Close your eyes. Breathing in and out of only your left nostril. Breathe normally with eyes closed for 1-3 minutes. There is noting else you are to do, just breathe. If your mind wanders, simply come back to the breath as you can.
And one more:
Close your eyes. Place both hands over your heart, one on top of the other. Breathe deeply and pat your heart. Pat as you would on someone's back who needs comfort. Pat for 1-2 minutes. Let yourself feel yourself being kind, compassionate, loving, supportive to you.
Releasing, grounding, centering, supporting are incredibly important gifts to give ourselves when we are feeling overwhelmed or stressed.
I hope these breathing gifts have been a blessing to you.
I have had a few people reach out wanting a little more support right now. Please let me know if that would bless you!
Grab my Book Here 👇🏼
I send you so much love,