Addiction or Connection?

Oct 18, 2024

Addiction is not my specialty, but….

I watched an amazing TedX on Addiction which made me really think! Here’s the link. 

I sent it to my dear friend Michael Mints and this was his response:

“Wow, Heather, what a thought-provoking piece! To me, it suggests that addiction might not just be about the substances itself, but rather a way for people to cope with their surroundings and experiences. When I think about it, most people turn to certain behaviors and/or substances as a response to stress, trauma, or a lack of support in their lives. With this is mind, addiction could be seen as more of a survival mechanism—an attempt to find comfort or escape from life's situations.

This perspective should encourage us to look beyond just the physical aspects of addiction and consider the emotional and social implications. To ask deeper questions about what drives people to seek out substances in the first place and how can we create healthier environments that support well-being and resilience.

It definitely begs that we work harder at understanding the root causes of addiction and addressing the underlying issues, rather than simply focusing on the addiction itself.”

I would love to hear your thoughts too!