Do you walk around feeling faceless in this world?
Or do you walk around not seeing those around you?
Or are you one of the rare people who stay present, both with self and other?
Okay, I know….I am going all existential and all poetic, BUT I am interested.
How do you perceive yourself in this world?
Do you think that we are faceless faces so that we may find ourselves within the canvas of life?
Is it that we are looking to find our own self within the other? Which then means that we become what they choose for us to be?
Or is it that we are really looking toward them to see if we can find them? Will they let us see them and be with them?
βIt seems to me, if we are viewing ourselves or others as faceless, then we’re not aware of the true essence of that individual. Which I don’t know that we can ever really recognize. It seems difficult to even know our own true self. But what an interesting predicament. And what do you see?
I know that when I am in crowds, I do not really even notice faces, much less the essence of someone. And I doubt I release the trueness of me.
βI met a woman Saturday who emanated absolute light and joy. She stood out as one of the most enjoyable, beautiful people I have ever met. Her face glowed and I immediately knew that I loved being in her presence. She radiates. She also has a beautiful face, but it is her spirit that glows from within.
Are we faceless when we block out that life spirit, or Christ consciousness, our light to the world.?
βAnd why do we?
How does not sharing light and love fulfill us or protect us?
I think I have believed I am not supposed to radiate brightly, yet I don’t know why.
Please beautiful ones, if you ever see me dimming myself, would you please let me know? I truly want to let “that little light of mine”, shine!
How may I help you brighten and emblazon yours?