Let's cover a few 'not-so-common' reasons for anxiety spiking...
Like the intensity of it just doesn't always make sense.
Well it doesn't.
(At least not in the western medical perspective anyway.)
But that doesn't mean we shouldn't explore other ways of understanding anxiety... Which is what I want to do in today's newsletter.
What else can cause anxiety to spike?
Did you know that your body is like a magnet. Like LITERALLY!
Your right palm holds a positive charge and your left holds the negative.
You can test this out - Just hold your hands in front of you facing each other about a metre apart. Now bring your palms toward each other very SLOWLY... And pay careful attention to what it feels like when they get closer together.
If you're sensitive enough you'll notice a very slight pull toward each other as the opposite charges attract one another.
Why is this important?
Because your body gets affected by other magnetic fields.... In fact - anything that would disrupt a compass needle, can disrupt the charge in your body.
And we need to EARTH in order to release excess charge from our feet... If you haven't been outside lately you might be feeling "off".
Plus, we all know the body is like 80% water.... And when you think how a full moon affects the tides, one has to wonder whether a full moon can affect the water in your body.
Short answer - IT CAN.
These are just 2 of MANY ways in which we are affected by our surroundings....
So the next time you feel an intense spike in your anxiety levels.... Instead of resorting to the automatic negative thoughts of "I'm never going to get better" "This is getting worse" "I'm stuck like this forever"
....Consider that there are MANY other factors influencing your body and mental state.
Simply try be in this moment, use the affirmation that "this too shall pass" and consider what your body or mind need right now to support you best.
I'd love to hear what you think
Shared from Diane Fuchs